Podcasts We Love: Urban Design & Incremental Development

Everyone needs some podcast inspiration, right?

We figured we would put together some of our favorite podcasts for aspiring small scale developers who need to broaden their understanding of urban planning, design and more.

Strong Towns: Strong towns has several podcasts including UpZoned by Abby Kinney! These cover so many topics - parking, zoning, design, small scale development and more.

99% Invisible: This is a design podcast that talks about the weirdest things but really nails the research and keeps the energy flowing. Bernice’s favorite one: The House That Came In The Mail which is about Sears Kit Homes!

The Messy City: Our friend Kevin in KCMO has created The Messy City podcast which covers small scale development, interviews with leaders in Urbanism, KC issues and more… including an interview with Monte and Bernice from our team! You can listen to it here.

Not Just Bikes: This Youtube channel is growing like wildfire. NJB covers stroads, design, walkable cities and more. All of these things come together when you’re a small scale developer - because it all matters. The “living on debt” episode is a collaboration with Strong Towns and is one that really talks about the economics of sprawl and provides an excellent resource for why we need more walkable places.

Civic Brand: If you’re an artist or want to create artist spaces, we would love to recommend this “eyes on the street” podcast episode by Civic Brand! There are many more episodes on events, placemaking and more - definitely one to subscribe to and check out.

Have ones you’d like to recommend? Let us know at hello@neighborhoodevolution.com


A New Generation of Town Makers - Strong Towns Article!


House Hacking