NEVO Dallas Visit
2/22 Update: We sold out but opened 8 extra ticket slots that will close on 2/25.
This is a one off event in response to a lot of folks and clients wanting to come on down to Dallas and visit. Join us in Dallas on March 7th & 8th, 2025 for a in depth tour of Monte’s “farm”. This will be a fun couple of days covering the projects themselves and the creative ways the team had to think in order to get it done. Secret doors, breaking up spaces to get construction costs paid for, working with local entrepreneurs, zoning overhauls… and so much more.
Projects Toured: Tyler Station, DeSoto Marketplace, Greenleaf, Wheatland Plaza & COLLAB. These tours and presentations will cover strip center suburban retrofit, suburban residential retrofit, adaptive reuse and preservation, building successful entrepreneurial hubs.
Attendees will have ample time to explore and ask questions. All are welcome! Cost: $250 (Ticket includes Friday & Saturday and a lot of food / drinks).