South Bend: From Rust To Resurgence

Warning: watching this video may give you goosebumps!

Our partner Mike Keen and his wonderful small scale development neighbors in South Bend have been featured by Strong Towns - you can see the video HERE.

Strong Towns invited us to speak at the National Gathering this Spring on our work in South Bend. It has taken a village to work through zoning, pre approved plans, small scale development trainings and more… but it is paying off.

Let’s take a moment to dive into WHY this works. It is all about the ecosystem! There are small developer meet ups monthly - in person and virtually. Monte, Jim and Bernice are in South Bend every 3 months and are on call virtually help people with proformas, design, ideas - whatever it takes to help them feel supported on their journey. The city shows up with funds and bi weekly calls with the team. The downtown director is in. The planning staff is there. CDFI and other banks show up. People help each other. This is the key. Without an ecosystem to support small scale development, all you will get is large developers doing giant things with giant loans requiring giant rent checks. Small scale development is inclusive, equitable, multi generational and made with love. South Bend is leaning in hard - as you can tell.

This has been happening for five years - which is what we talked about at the ST National Gathering. People have to realize this is a “perpetual stew” approach - slow, steady, wholesome and good for the body and soul.

You can read our presentation about the slow and steady small scale development efforts HERE.


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