South Bend: May 2023

For those in and around South Bend, we hope you will mark your calendars for May 4th - 6th!

Thursday: We will be starting off with our happy hour - where the local community is welcome to come and meet like minded individuals.

Friday: We have our “one on ones” with 8 small developers on Friday, May 5th! If you are in need of us to walk through your project - shoot an email to Marty to discuss it. Typically we walk through the building or project to identify financials, construction issues, discuss leasing or strategies to the building program… we even walked through a project once with the banker to help them get their funding!

Saturday: Saturday is open to the public and will be a seminar about “finance” where we discuss investors, deal structures, pro formas… all things money.

You can register for the May 6th seminar here.

Thank you so much to Marty, Willow, Tim and rest of the City of South Bend for their commitment and support! South Bend’s small developer community is strong and growing. Our efforts have recently been recognized as a model for communities across the country!!


The Messy City Podcast


Lafayette Update: Step 2 Tonight!