Start Your 12 Steps to Town Making Group Today.

Are you passionate about creating vibrant and sustainable communities through small-scale development? If so, starting a "12 Steps to Town Making" group in your local community could be the perfect way to get involved and make a difference.

These meetups provide a platform for community members to come together and build the ecosystem needed to support small-scale development projects. By convening these groups, we can work towards creating more inclusive and resilient neighborhoods that prioritize people over profits.

Currently, these 12 step meetups are happening in cities like Dallas, Kansas City, Lafayette, South Bend, and many others across America. Led by community members, these gatherings aim to empower residents to take control of the development process and shape the future of their neighborhoods.

To help you get started, we have included a flyer outlining each step of the town making process and how to organize a meeting in your community. From setting goals and building relationships to identifying resources and implementing projects, these steps provide a roadmap for creating positive change in your neighborhood. The ecosystem will build over time if you meet consistently each month and cover one area per step, we promise!

We encourage you to join the movement and start a "12 Steps to Town Making" group in your area. Together, we can build stronger, more connected communities that reflect the values and aspirations of the people who call them home.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are happy to help you get started! Email:

Let's work together to create a better future for all. #townmaking #communitydevelopment #12stepstotownmaking #NeighborhoodEvolutionLLC


South Bend Update: April 2024


See you in Cincy for CNU & Strongtowns!